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Shooting Star Charity Fashion Show

2nd Annual Charity Fashion Show "Shooting Stars" is on hold until I, April can go back to work and make the money needed to fund the show this year! Honestly I am not very good at approaching individuals and asking them for money to sponsor us, so this year again will be out of pocket expenses and therefore do need to put the show on hold untill enough money is made to cover all the needed expenses. So sorry for the inconvenience and we hope you understand! :) XO

First Time Blogger

Blogging? Ummmm its never been my thing really as when I tried it i did not get it so as you will see if you see it at all that is, i honestly dont know, i only have previous ads from previous events that i and or MADWCAS held that i ended up blogging about. Also if i now know anything about blogging without googling it, to me its like a form of free speech, hopefully i am right and if i am then my first blog attempt will make total sense. & if not then well i accept looking like a total idiot. Anyways so my vague understanding of blogging and why i never really blogged it before was because i had and have way way too much to say and never knew where to even start which just becomes overwhelming to me. So the past few weeks i said screw it and just take it day by day and let it go from there. So here i am going with the flow and will use my blog as almost like a diary i guess you can say. I will say whatever is on my mind about anything and everything. Whether it just happened, or whether it has happened or whether it is happening dont matter there is no time limit or any limit to what i have to say. Just saying my mind has so many files open and maybe this is one way to close a few. Oh and if i miss spell any words or any sentences most of the time i do it on purpose but the rest of the time just know i am both equally French and English, meaning i understand half of everything in english and half of everything in french and just might not know how to properly word or spell it. My topics might end up being totally random, maybe even innapropriate but i promise you they will all have a legit reason to have been blogged about it. SO JUST INCASE VIEWERZ DISCRETION IS ADVISED, I GUESS?!

Ok so my first blog will be about whats been on my mind recently and what made me want to give this blogging a shot. Actually there are many things and trying to remember even one of them at 4 in the morning after doing paper work is nearly impossible right now. I totally knew what i wanted to blog about last night but right now cant even think about my main reason. Wow. We are off to a great start.

So that being said i guess this right here is and will be considered my first blog. Keep in mind i will not beat around the bush about anything i want to blog about so your judgments and your hate, well lets just put it politely and say FUCK OFF! YOU HAVE THE RIGHT NOT TO READ!. This is a fair and considerate warning that i hope you will return. We all shit from the same hole, so either have an open mind to anything i blog about let alone anything anyone blogs about. Maybe even take a second to put yourself in my shoes or even someone else's or even better take a second to see if at all one day or time in your life you were able to relate to any of it, for a change, if you allow it you just might connect with it! In other words DONT BE A JUDGE WE HAVE ENOUGH OF THOSE OUT THERE. Be Human even if you have to google how to be.

I guess thats it for now.


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